Hair Care
There is a whole world of herbs used in Ayurveda to promote hair growth and recommendations how to change your diet to give your hair follicles every opportunity to grow. The use of therapeutic herbalized oils applied directly to the scalp can both cool down the heat in the hair follicles and promote the growth of the hair.
The head is the most significant part of the body. It encompasses eight vital openings—the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and one principal opening, the crown of the head. There are also vital energy points over the entire head that connect to the brain and the mind (including the subconscious).
Benefits of head massage:
- Promotes deep relaxation and the release of tension
- Benefits memory, cognition, and alertness
- Brings clarity and strength to the senses
- Nourishes and supports healthy hair, while also providing a lustrous shine
- Strengthens the nervous system
- Supports balance of the brain’s chemistry and hormones
Our shops features oils to balance pitta, vata, or kapha. If you are experiencing an imbalance in body and mind and you would like to know how Ayurveda head oils can help you to correct imbalance at the root, please schedule an Ayurvedic Consultation or a 30 minute free consultation to get to know Ayurveda.
Next to hair oils we also offer Ayurvedic shampoo and conditioner.