Baked pear with cardamom

Yields: 2 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 5 Mins Cook Time: 10 Mins Total Time: 15 Mins

Soft cooked pears are a balm for the heart and comforting in the tummy. Pear’s sweet taste and the relaxing aroma of cardamom make for a light breakfast or soothing mid-day snack. Baking the pears makes them tender and brings out their sweetness. You’ll enjoy all the affection and softness of a apple pie without feeling weighed you down.

Soothing & Cooling

Pears are a treat that calm the heart and relieve restlessness. They are a soothing and cooling balm for inflamed and irritated tissues – especially in the gut. This makes pear with cardamom the perfect breakfast after a night of drinking or overindulging in coffee. This meal gently relieves raw and upset intestines. Ever notice how pear juice is thicker than apple juice? This thickness is due to its soluble fiber and key to pear’s comforting demulcent quality.


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  • 1. Verwarm de oven voor op 175 graden. 2. Leg de peren in een ovenschaal. 3. Bestrijk de bodem van de schaal met water. 4. Bestrooi de peren met kardemom. 5. Bak ze op 175 graden tot ze zacht zijn.


Balancing for VPK. Source: Joyfull Belly